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Job interview questions case management worker

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The case management worker  or employee under the direct supervision of the case management supervisor shall take all procedures and steps of case management for people who have been or are subjected to abuse, exploitation , neglect or any threat to rights and life, including any person who needs to provide specialized or non-specialized services. Before applying  for a job interview  for the position  of case worker  or  case management assistant  , you should review the type of  questions  and how to  answer  them. 
He will be responsible for implementing the plan developed by the case management supervisor through case discovery, referral, follow-up and successful closure, working to improve survivors' access to service centers and managing specialized and non-specialized cases in a timely manner, and contributing to the development of the community services map and referral pathways.

Job interview questions Case management worker questions
Job interview questions Case management worker questions

Supervisor job interview / case management worker

 1- He/she is seen as a “bad girl” or “gay boy”

  • a. A common social consequence of child sexual abuse
  • b. A common health consequence of child sexual abuse
  • c. A common psychological consequence of child sexual abuse
  • Dr.. Everything mentioned is correct

2- Supporting an inexperienced caseworker by allowing him to attend a session with an expert caseworker or supervisor with the child is a supervision tool known as:

  • a. Note 
  • b. lieutenant
  • جـ. Individual aristocracy

3- The frequency of collective supervision in normal cases is "

  1. a. once a week
  2. b. twice a week
  3. c. fortnightly
  4. Dr.. once a month

4 - A 14-year-old married girl survivor, it is better to work with her within

  • a. Child Protection Department 
  • b. Child Protection Case Management Section Section for Gender-Based Violence Survivors Case Management Section
  • c. the two parts together
  • Dr . Department of Case Management for Survivors of Social Violence and Supervision of the Child Protection Department

5 The assessment stage in the child protection case management process is

  • a. A step in stand-alone case management
  • Continuous process at all stages of case management
  • One of the steps in the case management process that is closely related to the next step is follow-up
  • A very important step and we need it once with every case

6- The evaluation of society and the extended family is:

  • That one of the evaluation elements
  •  One of the evaluation steps
  • One of the steps to implement the plan
  • A case management step

7. Common features of child survivors of sexual abuse: 

  • The current does not want to harm the child
  • The perpetrator always uses physical force
  • Often the perpetrator is unknown to the child 
  • People easily believe this type of violence because of the prevalence of sexual assault cases 

8- From the roles of the supervisor of the case management specialist in the documentation stage of case management files

  • a. Ensuring cases receive the right support at the right time
  •  Ensure that the case management team is trained in the relevant policy and methods of securing transmission or destruction of case information in emergency situations 
  • Review and close cases according to standard work protocols 
  • Ensure that the goals that have been worked on are measurable, time-bound and realistic
  • Other

9- A persistent failure to meet the child’s psychological, emotional and developmental needs is: 

  • Offense 
  • Negligence
  • Poverty 
  • all the above

10- One of the most important roles of the case factor in the step of implementing the plan with the child is: 

  • Assessment of ongoing psychosocial support for the child and family 
  • Find service providers and make referrals 
  • Document everything that was done in this step 
  • Commitment to all that was agreed upon in the case planning step 

11- Among the objectives of the case management meetings: 

  • Share experiences
  • Review cases with identifying information 
  • Get compliments from moderators
  •  Closer relationships between the team 

12- The case worker should focus on getting out of the case management process in normal cases before:

  •  A month and a half after closing 
  • a month before closing 
  • Three weeks before closing 
  • 2 weeks before closing 

13- The term CBCPN stands for

  • Information management system for managing protection cases
  • Community Based Child Protection Network
  • Our Child Protection Standards 
  • child protection issues 

14- The term CMTF refers to:

  •  Child protection in emergencies
  •  Child Protection Subgroup
  •  Case management team
  •  Community-Based Child Protection Networks 

15- When transferring a child to alternative care, the following must be observed: 

  • The motives of the alternative caregiver
  • The degree of kinship as a criterion for choosing an alternative caregiver
  •  The gender of the alternative caregiver

17- It is not necessary to follow the steps of case management in order as it is called:

  • Direct cash support
  • referral 
  • direct response 
  • carry out the plan 

18- The step of verifying the information in the evaluation stage represents the step:

  • first
  • the second
  •  the third 
  • the fourth

 19- The term SOPS refers to: 

  • Working procedures 
  • Standard Minimum Standards for Protection
  • IDPs
  •  information system 

20- Providing the child case management team with updates on child protection and appropriate behavior is one of the roles of the supervisor in the department:

  • Code of Conduct 
  • Training and capacity building 
  • Case management procedures 
  • documentation 

21- Improving the quality of child protection programs and their impact on children is one of: 

  • Minimum standards for child protection
  • Objectives of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection
  • One of the steps of work in managing a child's condition 
  • One of the principles of child protection 

22- Protecting children from violence and from forcing them to work and from fearing such violations represents the following principle: 

  • Avoid exposing people to further harm as a result of our activities 
  • Ensuring people have access to help without bias 
  • Protecting people from physical and psychological harm caused by violence and coercion 
  • Strengthening child protection systems 

23- Communication, advocacy and media fall under: 

  • Standards to ensure a quality child protection response 
  • Standards to meet labor protection needs 
  • Criteria for developing an appropriate child protection strategy 
  • Standards for integrating child protection with other humanitarian sectors 

24- The mother child / teenage pregnancy who suffers from severe psychological distress, social and family difficulties and a low level of support fall under the level of danger: 

  • high risk 
  • medium risk
  •  dangling dangerous
  • There is no danger 

Questions in the written case management factor

1- When do we provide case management services?

  • We offer it in two cases: emergency or disaster and in the case of development

2- What are the three principles of psychological first aid?

  • She look, listen and tie

3- What is child protection?

  • It is to prevent the child from being exposed to any form of violence, abuse, exploitation, or harm, or causing it

4- What are the types of child protection activities?

  • Psychosocial support
  • Child Friendly Centers
  • awareness
  • Empowering Adolescents
  • case management

5- Define case management

  • It is a method of organizing and carrying out work to meet the individual needs of a child and family in an appropriate, systematic and timely manner through direct support or referral

6- What are the steps for case management?

  • Select and register
  • Evaluation
  • planning
  • Execution
  • Follow up and review
  • Closure

7- What is the difference between informed consent and informed consent?

  • Confirmation is taken from young children, especially under 10 years of age. It is possible by speaking and explaining the reason for the intervention of the case worker. As for the approval, it is taken in writing and from the child or the caregiver.

8- What is the evacuation plan in case management?

It is the administration’s guarantee to transfer files and equipment outside the center in emergency cases. If the administration is unable to do so, it must be destroyed immediately

9- Who is responsible for the evacuation plan?

Case worker and supervisor

10 - What are the types of questions in discussion sessions?


11- Give an example of healing phrases

I believe you
This is not your fault
I respect your opinion

12- What is a self-referral?

It is when the source of determining the case is the child and his family, and they wish to go to the case worker to receive services

13- What is the difference between transfer and referral?

Transfer: Record the data and transfer it to another agency to provide him with services and release my responsibility
The referral may involve more than one entity in providing services and follow it up

14- What are the evaluation methods in case management?

home visit
Referral information

15- What are the types of assessment in case management?

Initial assessment, through which needs and weaknesses are identified, which is often immediate or within 48 hours
The comprehensive evaluation is comprehensive and remote and may extend for a week

16- What are SMART goals?

Our goals should be smart through

17- What is the difference between a case conference and a case meeting?

The case conference is a formal meeting between agencies and agencies responsible and specialized in children’s affairs so that the attendees are provided with the conference’s work plan and the minutes are recorded to discuss only one case that is very complex and the child and his family may attend
As for the case meeting, it is held between the supervisor and the team members

18- What is negotiation?

It is to deal with conflict in a positive and constructive manner

19- Number of types of negotiation

Domination is clinging to opinion
Avoidance is withdrawal
Settlement is barter
Cooperation is the best

20 - What is the difference between follow-up and review in case management?

Follow-up is to follow up on each procedure separately, and these follow-ups are repeated according to the level of risk, and they are at least once a month
As for the review, it is a review of the entire plan and objectives in general, and it is every 3 months and it is entrusted with any change

21- What are the criteria for closing the case?

achieve goals
Lack of protection concerns
turning 18
his death
When the family and the child no longer need support

22- When is the final follow-up?

It takes place within 3 months of closing the case

23- What is the status comment?

It is to extinguish the work in it and make it inactive in the event of the disappearance of the child or his abduction until he reappears, then work on it is repeated and it is not permissible to close it

24- When will the case be reopened

In the event of new information or a change in the child’s status and circumstances as new protection concerns or at the request of the parents

25- What is status transfer?

If the project stops
baby transmission
Here, the case must be transferred to a second agency so that it receives all the papers and responsibilities

26- How is the case transferred?

By developing a clear plan and accompanying the child for the first time, at least, to meet the new specialist

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